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AI-Generated Content In SEO And How Google Views It

    Reposition Services UK
    author image
    By Hitesh
    May 17, 2023
    ~ 7 minutes to read
    Hitesh is a digital marketing strategist and entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing, start-ups, branding, and customer acquisition strategies. Hitesh is the CEO and Founder of Reposition Group, which specialises in digital growth strategies.

    What Is AI-Generated Content?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has taken the world by storm lately. AI was used earlier too, but after the launch of ChatGPT, it become all the more popular and widely accepted by the common person at a global level.

    Content generated with AI is a form of any media generated with the help of AI technology. It may be in the form of text, videos, images, music, or much more. It works on certain algorithms and machine learning techniques.

    AI tools generate content based on prompts entered by the user. These prompts are of utmost importance to help the AI tool understand what answer it needs to provide as an output.

    Since its global acceptance, a question always arose regarding how accurate and acceptable such AI content can be. It became even more important to understand how search engines like Google adapt to such content and how Google algorithms interact with AI algorithms.

    Does Google Approve AI Generated Content

    Does Google Approve AI-Generated Content?

    Google, to date, has never completely approved or disapproved of the AI content. Google has laid down many guidelines on how content should be and what should be kept in mind before content is written.

    Google’s focus has always been on high-quality and user-first content. How the content was created is secondary to Google. According to Google’s AI-generated content guidelines, even content generated using AI can rank in search results, provided the content is user-oriented and not search-engine-oriented.

    Google also focuses on the fact that helpful content can be created using AI tools. But this needs to be done perfectly. Google is continuously updating its algorithms and making use of AI technology to provide the best results to the user.

    Can Google detect AI-Generated content?

    Google also makes use of AI technology to improve on various fronts. It has never clearly mentioned that AI content should be used. Rather Google only measures the content based on its E-E-A-T guidelines and helpful content guidelines.

    Google does not try to detect content that’s AI-generated before ranking a page to a search query. Google’s algorithms do the work based on the guidelines mentioned. So even if the content is AI-generated and according to Google’s guidelines, it will show up against a certain search query. User-first content is what matters to Google.

    Content Created Using AI For SEO

    SEO involves optimising the website to rank high for targeted search queries. There has been a significant impact on SEO from AI content.

    AI was feared to kill SEO once it became popular among the general population. It was not lately that SEO firms realised that AI is a total blessing if used correctly and can benefit SEO strategies for the long term.

    Content writing has become automatised to a great extent. However, not all support this complete automatisation. According to Google, user satisfaction is all that matters toward the end of the day.

    So content created using AI in SEO should be considered as a helping tool to able to identify the possibility of generating helpful content for the users.

    Using AI-Generated Title Tags And Description Tags

    Title and description tags have always had an important role in search engine optimisation. Using AI-generated title and description tags can be an added benefit to SEO. AI is here to stay forever. So the best thing would be to adapt it in such a way that it proves beneficial in all fields.

    One can generate various options for the title and description tags for a web page using AI technology. This strategy helps to save time and also gives you multiple options to select from in a short period.

    However, human intervention is always an added benefit when using AI tools. Remember, AI is after all a machine working on algorithms.

    Whatever you generate using AI technology, human monitoring is very crucial to ensure that the title and description tags generated reflect what the content is about, align with your SEO keywords and most importantly, add value to users.

    AI Content For Social Media

    Social media works completely differently from how search engines work. So the search engine guideline does not imply in the world of social media.

    Social media marketing has become increasingly relevant and impactful due to content that is AI-generated. AI is enabling businesses to create and optimise content for their social media platforms with the rise of automation and machine learning.

    Social media marketing benefits from AI content. AI technology helps businesses automate content creation, optimise posting strategies, and enhance visual appeal. Through the use of AI in social media, companies can streamline marketing efforts, increase engagement, and better connect with their audience.

    Google Search’s Guidance About AI-Generated Content

    As per Google’s guidance on AI content, AI technology can provide helpful information to users. Adding to it further, Google has also mentioned that no matter how the content is produced, it always rewards high-quality content over other content on similar topics.

    Google has different guidelines on high-quality content that one needs to match while creating content on own or by using AI technology. Additionally, Google has stated that automation can be used to the benefit of SEO and content writing.

    Helpful content is what Google rewards ultimately. Under its AI content policy, Google has stated how automation can create helpful content.

    Tools For Detecting Content Created Using AI

    Various tools can be used to detect content that is created using AI. New tools are also evolving with the increasing popularity and usage of AI technology.

    Google has not explicitly stated that AI content shouldn’t be used, but many website owners do not want to take any chances with Google’s penalties. This is why AI content detectors are widely used.

    Here are some tool URLs to help you detect AI content. Copy these URLs and open them in your browser to start detecting AI content.

    • https://writer.com/ai-content-detector/
    • https://copyleaks.com/ai-content-detector/
    • https://crossplag.com/ai-content-detector/
    • https://sapling.ai/ai-content-detector/

    Best Places To Use AI Content

    Content created using AI can be used for website internal blogs, guest blogs, social media content, e-mail marketing campaigns, title tags and description tags, PPC ad campaigns, user replies and much more.

    But you need to be sure enough that the content you are about to use is helpful and meets the Google E-E-A-T and helpful content guidelines.

    AI is used by users across the globe. So just adding similar content to others will not prove beneficial. For maximum benefits, you must generate AI content in the right way before using it anywhere.

    Does AI Content Increase Chances Of Google Penalty?

    Google uses guidelines and algorithms to measure content quality. AI content will not receive any penalty if the content is in line with Google guidelines and is helpful to the users.

    If you are using AI-created content, it becomes very important for you to learn how to generate AI content that does not attract Google penalties. Google only penalises if a website’s content is manipulative and tries to deceive the users.

    Generating keyword-stuffed content, low-quality content and manipulative content using AI technology will surely increase the chances of a Google penalty.

    Create content with the user-first perspective in mind. Do not try to target the search engines. The more accurate information you provide to the user, the more likely your content will rank and avoid penalties, even if it is AI-generated.

    Benefits Of AI Generated Content For SEO

    Benefits Of AI-Generated Content For SEO

    AI content does provide various benefits for SEO. However, it should be noted that the content created using AI needs to be monitored by humans first to ensure it provides exactly what the user is looking for and the information provided is accurate and not manipulative.

    Content that benefits the user is what attracts Google

    • Data-driven insights
    • Enhanced user experience
    • Keyword optimisation
    • Personalising the content
    • Content scalability
    • Time efficiency
    • Resource efficiency

    Creating Helpful Content With AI Content Writers

    When you decide to use AI content writers to write the content, it requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. You just cannot take in whatever AI generates on a specific topic. You need to verify the information provided and then use it for your website.

    Here are points to consider while creating helpful content with AI tools.

    1. Start by letting the AI tool know your target audience and location. Does the content need to be area-specific or country-specific?

    2. Write prompts stating your purpose for the content. Is it for the website or social media, is it an informational guide on the need to use another tone while writing?

    3. Add basic needs of your content like the word length any anything specific that you may want in your content.

    4. Add that much-needed human touch to your content. Review the content from top to bottom and verify the content. You need to make sure the content is user-oriented and provides accurate information.

    5. Break subjects down into sub-topics and generate AI content to be able to get more accurate information.

    What Are Automation Disclosures?

    When you write content, you generally mention your name as the author. What happens if the content is AI-generated? This is where you can add ‘Automation Disclosures’ to the content created using AI.

    Google has stated in its guidelines that if some might think about how the content was created, you should consider adding an automation disclosure stating that it is AI content.

    Google’s Focus On Who, How And Why For Content Writing

    Under its ‘Helpful Content Update’ by Google, it has asked to focus on creating helpful and people-first content. According to Google, you need to ask three questions before creating content. Who, How And Why.

    Who created the content, Why was the content created and how it was created? Even if it is content created using AI, these guidelines need to be followed.

    Is It Okay To Trust The AI Content Completely?

    AI does not always provide accurate information. Human intervention is always required to verify the data and information that it provides.

    If not reviewed, there are chances that you end up using incorrect information on your website. A thorough check and editing are required for content generated using AI. The best way to do this is to generate AI content on small topics rather than just creating huge content and not being able to review or verify it.

    Using SEO Helpful Prompts In AI

    Content generated by AI can be optimised for search engine visibility by incorporating SEO prompts and aligning with SEO best practices. To maintain a high level of quality, it’s important to review and edit the generated content.

    In addition to title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and URL structures, AI can be guided to pay attention to various on-page SEO elements. By using SEO prompts, an AI can structure the content for maximum readability and natural flow.

    Google’s Advice For AI Generation Content Creators

    Google has many guidelines on how content should be. But seeing the increased use of AI technology, Google has some advice for AI-generation content creators.

    The first piece of advice is the focus on creating high-quality, original and people-first content while following the E-E-A-T guidelines.

    And the second piece of advice is related to the questions mentioned above, Who, How and Why.

    Evaluating content based on this advice will help the content creators to create content that will be more user oriented and more specific to a certain topic.


    To conclude, AI-generated content can be helpful in SEO to a great extent, if used keeping in mind certain guidelines stated by Google. 100 per cent of content created using AI, however, without being reviewed or verified, can attract Google penalties.

    It is always essential to humanise AI content by evaluating it for the information it provides. The AI content needs to be accurate and should add to the ‘people-first’ criteria.