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PPC Services

Boost Your Reach, Traffic And ROIs


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    PPC Services

    The Most Powerful Advertising Tool

    Pay-Per-Click (PPC) services. Companies have been using it for years, and it’s the single most popular form of paid search. It shows up any time a user searches for a product or service through a major search engine, and you only pay for those ads when a user clicks on it. With careful budgeting and the right team on your side, it’s the best way to get targeted traffic to your site quickly.

    We’re PPC Experts

    At Reposition, we can help you design the right PPC campaign so that you’ll never have to worry about keeping up with the latest trends and practices. Unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the PPC management world, there’s much to learn, and success in this arena depends on how much you know. With us on your side, you’ll never have to be a PPC expert. Instead, you’ll get our expertise paired with amazing results.

    Fully Managed Campaigns

    Our PPC work doesn’t stop with crafting the right campaign for your agency, though. Instead, we’ll offer you the help you need to stay on top of things. Thanks to our advanced analytics, you’ll know exactly how your budget is performing for every ad we create, and that means the information you need to change course and get the clicks that are going to turn into targeted traffic for your agency.

    Explore PPC Service Plans

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    £1500 / month

    • check
      Ad Spend Limit £4500
    • check
      £1500 Initial Optimisation Fee & Setup(Inc first months management)
    • check
      Google PPC Network
    • check
      Google Local Service Ads
    • check
      Campaign Strategy
    • check
      Detailed Keyword Research
    • check
      Website Industry Analysis
    • check
      Ad copies
    • check
      Keywords Report Used In The Ads
    • check
      GA 4 Data
    • check
      Rule Based Bid Setup
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    £2250 / month

    • check
      Ad Spend Limit £25000
    • check
      £2250 or 15% of Ad Spend Initial Optimisation Fee & Setup(Inc first months management)
    • check
      Google PPC Network
    • check
      Google Local Service Ads
    • check
      Campaign Strategy
    • check
      Detailed Keyword Research
    • check
      Website Industry Analysis
    • check
      Ad copies
    • check
      Keywords Report Used In The Ads
    • check
      GA 4 Data
    • check
      Rule Based Bid Setup
    Bar Graph


    £3500 / month

    • check
      Ad Spend Limit £35000
    • check
      £3500 or 12% of Ad Spend Initial Optimisation Fee & Setup(Inc first months management)
    • check
      Google PPC Network
    • check
      Google Local Service Ads
    • check
      Campaign Strategy
    • check
      Detailed Keyword Research
    • check
      Website Industry Analysis
    • check
      Ad copies
    • check
      Keywords Report Used In The Ads
    • check
      GA 4 Data
    • check
      Rule Based Bid Setup

    See full deliverables

    A Goal Focused Approach

    Good Ads Services campaigns mean a better approach from the start, and that’s exactly what we provide at Reposition. We take the time to assign a PPC specialist to your account so we can help you identify the right keyword opportunities and develop cost-effective options. We even work to analyse your competitors so we know where the best options are.

    Generate High-Quality Traffic

    Millions of pages of content – videos, blogs, memes, and social media posts – are going up every second of every day. It can be tough to get your message in front of the right people, but PPC services campaigns mean a chance to target your audience with a message that will work. Our paid ads include

    If traffic is your goal, Reposition’s PPC services can help.

    Increase Conversions

    If you’re hesitant to commit to a PPC campaign, you may be wondering why it matters. It’s simple. PPC marketing statistics indicate the average advertiser doubles their investment. PPC  services & marketing mean increased conversions. We can help make this happen by

    PPC is the single best way to make certain you’re getting the right traffic. Give us a call to build the right PPC campaign for your agency today.

    pokerstars logo

    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention


    Enterprise website restructuring and traffic retention strategies are a specialism of our SEO Company. Hugo Boss are one of many brands we have consulted over the past 15 years. Company structures change and stakeholders need this reflected within brand strategy. If your internal marketing team needs help ensuring a restructure doesn't lead to catastrophic ranking and traffic loss then get in touch.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention

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    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Funded Startups and Brand Building

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    Cryptocurrency, finance and banking strategies you can reply on. We understand the need for careful content curation and the intricacies of regulated sectors. Strategies for these sectors can be complicated and areas such as paid ads for cryptocurrency and crypto wallets can extremely difficult to navigate. Our in-house team of SEO experts can guarantee to get your ads live, content published and links built. Contact us if you are struggling.

    Cryptocurrency, Crypto Wallet, Finance and Banking Solutions

    2 Dice
    hugo boss watch
    Purple Bricks Image

    What Is A PPC Service – Pay-Per-Click?

    Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked on. PPC services refer to services offered by online advertising companies to set up, manage, and optimise PPC advertising campaigns for businesses and organisations.

    The concept behind PPC is simple – you, as an advertiser only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The amount you pay per click depends on the keywords and match types you are targeting, the competition for those terms, the landing page quality, ad copy, and more. The great thing about PPC marketing is that you can show your ads to people searching for topics related to your products or services, making it an effective way to reach new customers.

    With PPC campaign services, advertising companies set up PPC accounts, choose keywords to bid on, create compelling ads that lead to your website or landing pages, monitor campaigns, and make ongoing optimisations to improve results over time. This saves you time while leveraging the expertise of PPC professionals.

    PPC Serivices Top Banner

    What Do PPC Services Include?

    Comprehensive PPC services typically include:

    • PPC Account Setup: Creating new PPC accounts for clients on major search platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. This includes syncing with backend platforms, adding billing details, tracking codes for monitoring, etc.
    • Keyword Research: Identifying high-potential keywords and keyword groups that are relevant to your products, services, and target customer demographics. Tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner are often used here.
    • Landing Page Optimisation: Ensuring landing pages showcase optimal layouts, engaging copy, fast load speeds, and clear calls-to-action so visitors convert once they click your ads.
    • Ad Copywriting: Crafting compelling ad headlines, descriptions, and display ads that motivate searchers to click through to your site or special offers.
    • Geo-Targeting: Showing ads to people searching from specific target regions, cities, or countries.
    • Advanced PPC Strategies: Utilising tools like negative keywords, bid adjustments, placement targeting, demographic targeting options, and more.
    • Remarketing: Serving ads to previous site visitors or customers across other sites and platforms through PPC remarketing tags and audience lists.
    • PPC Analytics Integration: Connecting platforms like Google Analytics to track conversions, ROI, and crucial metrics for assessing campaign performance.
    • Campaign Management: Monitoring accounts daily/weekly for optimisation opportunities and making incremental improvements over time. Expanding best-performing areas of campaigns. Identifying low-performing areas to eliminate waste. Ongoing A/B testing of new keywords, ads, landing pages, offers, etc.

    How Is PPC calculated?

    PPC is calculated using the following key metrics:

    • Cost-Per-Click (CPC): The amount of money you pay each time someone clicks your ad. Your CPC bid is used to compete against other advertisers targeting your keywords.
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The % of impressions (times your ad appears) that result in clicks. Higher relevancy between your ads, keywords and searcher intent lifts CTR.
    • Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA): The average cost incurred for each conversion like a purchase or email signup. Calculated by total spend divided by total conversions. Low CPAs mean high conversion rates or efficient spending.
    • Return-On-Ad-Spend (ROAS): The total value generated per amount spent on advertising. Calculate using revenue gained through conversions divided by total ad spend. High ROAS numbers reflect campaigns effectively driving profits.

    These metrics determine the real-world value and efficiency of PPC spending. By digging into the numbers, businesses can better allocate budgets to high-performing campaigns and pivot away from areas that fail to meet targets over time. The calculations also help measure overall growth and success facilitated by their ad investments across seasons and years.

    How Does PPC Work?

    Simply put, PPC advertising works by using targeted keywords which trigger relevant text and display ads to appear alongside organic search results on SERPs (search engine results pages).

    But how does the process really work? Here’s an overview.

    1. You start by researching high-volume, relevant keywords and keyword phrases you think will perform well and attract qualified visitors who may convert into customers.
    2. Next, you build PPC campaigns with ad groups around specific products, services or categories featuring tightly themed ad copy and landing pages.
    3. You set cost-per-click (CPC) bids on your keywords signalling to search engines how much you’re willing to pay for each click received on an ad. More competitive terms often require higher bids to win top ad positioning above organic results.
    4. When searchers enter queries related to your keywords on Google, Bing or other search platforms, your ads have an opportunity to appear above or next to organic search results.
    5. You only pay the CPC bid amounts when searchers find your PPC ad compelling enough to click on it, directing them to your external landing page.
    6. Your landing pages present compelling offers and informative content so searchers convert into customers or email list subscribers after clicking on your ad.
    7. You monitor analytics to determine which keywords, ads and landing pages perform best driving conversions and revenue to maximise your ROI.
    8. By iterating on high-performing components of campaigns, you can constantly optimise to increase clicks, cut costs-per-click, or lift overall conversion rates over time.

    Following this process, PPC success comes down to targeting in-market customers, presenting relevant messaging, driving clicks at profitable rates, and then motivating visitors to convert post-click so ad spend brings ROI.

    How Much Do PPC Services Cost?

    The cost of professional PPC services varies greatly depending on the size, scale and complexity of campaigns under management but generally averages between £1000 to £5000+ per month. Some core factors impacting overall costs include:

    • Campaign Spend Levels: The higher your monthly ad budgets, the higher your minimum monthly PPC fees since service costs correlate closely with spend amounts.
    • Account Complexity: Managing many campaigns with 1000s of tightly themed ad groups featuring niche demographics and placement targeting drives more time requirements so higher fees.
    • Landing Page Quality: Campaigns promoting high-quality landing experiences with persuasive messaging don’t require the same time investments as those with unrefined pages.
    • Results Tracking: Manual tracking in spreadsheets is less efficient than automated analytics integration so may increase costs.
    • Agency Size: Large PPC agencies tend to price higher due to greater overhead expenses while freelancers and boutique shops may offer more budget-friendly options.

    Many PPC managers charge monthly retainers equivalent to 10-12% of client ad spend in addition to initial campaign setup and optimisation fees averaging around £1000 to £5000+ for more complex efforts. Ultimately the value derived from higher conversions, sales revenue and ROI should vastly outweigh any increase in marketing costs from leveraging PPC experts.

    How Is PPC Different From SEO?

    While PPC and SEO are both essential elements for driving website traffic, they work quite differently:

    PPC Key Characteristics

    • Short-term results focused
    • Must pay for all clicks/traffic
    • Traffic sent immediately from ads
    • Control and flexibility over targeting
    • Easier to test adjustments
    • Budgets can be started in small

    SEO Key Characteristics

    • Long-term results focused
    • Free organic traffic potential
    • Takes time to earn rankings
    • Broad targeting to the full market
    • Slower progress for experiments
    • Significant time & effort required

    So while SEO aims to boost rankings and traffic from organic search over an extended period, PPC ads offer a quicker way to turn interest into site visits through placement on SERP.

    But neither should be treated as “one size fits all”. A balanced approach leveraging both strategies is best for long-term success.

    Use PPC for

    • Immediate lead generation needs
    • Targeting buyers actively searching
    • Flexible budget control
    • Fast testing through split testing ads

    Use SEO for

    • Increasing domain authority
    • Low cost-per-click at scale
    • Broad visibility for branding
    • Content marketing integration
    • Future-proofing marketing efforts

    Together, PPC and SEO can fuel sustainable growth month-over-month. The decision depends mainly on your budget, targets, resources and timeline.

    PPC Services Middle Banner

    Why Should You Invest In PPC Services?

    Here are the top reasons organisations invest in professional PPC services and management:

    1. Increased Volume of Qualified Website Traffic

    The paid nature of PPC ensures your ads are shown ahead of organic listings, multiplying visibility & site traffic when strategically targeted at your best buyer demographics.

    1. Faster Lead & Customer Acquisition

    Skipping the slow organic rankings climb, you can utilise PPC to drive interested visitors straight from clicking your ads onto your offer pages in just minutes for customer acquisition.

    1. Highly Measurable Results

    With detailed analytics integration, key metrics like CTR, bounce rates, CPAs and conversion numbers will quantify campaign ROI and efficiency at driving targets.

    1. Increased Brand Recognition

    Well-run PPC ads placed where your audiences already search help associate your business, products and services with keywords/topics users find valuable.

    1. Scalable & Flexible

    Available PPC advertising inventory is essentially unlimited. You can efficiently scale campaigns up or down as demands and resources fluctuate in your business.

    1. Levels the Playing Field

    Unlike organic rankings earned over long periods, appropriately funding campaigns lets newer firms aggressively compete for space atop SERPs right alongside established leaders in their market.

    1. Continued Optimisation

    The PPC pros adjust to ever-evolving auction dynamics, leveraging their expertise to continually increase conversions and decrease costs through ongoing testing and improvement.

    When weighted against the costs, PPC done right presents a sizable upside while offering control over spending. The combination of immediate results and long-term optimisations demonstrates clearly why PPC should be core to your digital marketing approach.

    Who Should Use PPC?

    Many organisations and businesses can benefit from investing in pay-per-click advertising:

    New Brands: PPC helps emerging brands cost-effectively compete for online visibility alongside big-name competitors in the critical early stages of establishing themselves.

    Startups: The finely targeted traffic and leads generated by managed PPC campaigns can fuel growth for startups and help justify further funding rounds to propel businesses forward.

    B2C Retailers: Reaching consumers researching or ready-to-purchase products suits PPC exceptionally well for Ecommerce or brick-and-mortar retail conversion boosting.

    B2B Companies: Casting a targeted net to capture qualified decision-makers actively researching in the market for given solutions is an obvious PPC application for lead generation.

    Mobile Apps: Running app install ads helps drive downloads for app publishers seeking increased users and in-app purchases which makes developing mobile apps worthwhile.

    Small Businesses: Local shops and professional services leverage PPC so nearby searchers can discover their pages and special offers through geo-targeted campaigns.

    Global organisations: Well-crafted multilingual PPC ensures international brands capture conversions from searchers across a breadth of geographic target markets.

    Niche Markets: Highly specific demographics can gain cost-efficient exposure for specialised products or services through narrowly defined PPC targeting unavailable otherwise.

    If your business offers solutions to problems people actively search for online, developing PPC campaigns around aligned keywords will connect with these prospects at precisely the right moments.

    How successful Is PPC?

    When accurately executed, a professional pay-per-click marketing strategy drives phenomenal success evidenced by key metrics and tangible business growth:

    • Over 25% of all clicks on Google Search now go to paid ads according to data, revealing tremendous click potential.
    • Managing PPC campaigns has been found to increase conversion rates by as much as 600% in some cases according to devoted analysts.
    • Per industry research, on average every £1 spent on PPC ads generates £2 or more in revenue when investments have positive ROI.
    • Top PPC agencies improve campaign metrics like click-through rate and cost-per-conversion by 30% or more through ongoing optimisation efforts.
    • Businesses confirm that PPC plays a central role in capturing over 30% of annual revenue on average when fully leveraged.
    • Estimates suggest PPC consistently provides 200-400% higher returns when contrasted directly against other advertising options.
    • Data shows about 20% of users searching for local businesses click straight on PPC ads appearing above organic listings to drive phone calls or map views.
    • Recent surveys found that over 85% of paid search advertisers report increased sales and brand exposure attributable to PPC search ads.

    The numbers paint a compelling picture. In the competitive digital landscape, PPC ads capture qualified traffic that aligns intent with context to boost conversions across key industries and verticals. This data-driven approach to matching interested searchers with solutions drives ROI milestones unattainable through other means.

    Looking For PPC Services In The UK! Reposition Can Help

    In closing, if you are a UK business ready to maximise your online visibility and access new converting traffic through pay-per-click advertising, the London SEO Experts, Reposition is here to help. Reposition offers premier PPC services designed to meet the needs of organisations across diverse sectors.

    With an emphasis on driving sales, generating leads, and sustaining long-term growth for clients, Reposition’s team have delivered phenomenal PPC results over 15+ years managing campaigns in the UK and worldwide. If you have an underperforming PPC presence or are ready to explore the many benefits of implementing paid search for the first time, request a quote from Reposition’s industry experts today to develop a data-driven paid search aligned closely with your goals.


    In summary, together through this deep-dive exploration of professional pay-per-click marketing services available for companies and campaigns of all sizes and specialities, one fundamental truth stands clear:

    PPC works  incredibly well – when managed strategically!

    By implementing the fundamental paid search principles and best practices outlined here around detailed targeting, calculated bidding, compelling ad copy, and savvy landing page user experience optimisation, the potential for both explosive and sustainable growth unlocks through positive ROI.

    Consult the experts, crunch the numbers specific to your business’s offerings, and understand exactly how further revenue and conversions can be unlocked through expanding budgets. When treated as an investment that drives itself rather than another expense item, outsourcing PPC represents immense upside for brands across sectors. Approach the process with patience and align with analysts suited to cater your campaign management to your KPIs for a winning formula with one of today’s highest-performing digital marketing channels.

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    PPC Services - Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is PPC?

    PPC stands for Pay Per Click, PPC Ads services & marketing are used to advertise your website and gain traffic to a particular webpage or traffic.

    Where Do PPC Ads Appear?

    Google Ads appears on the search engine result page of google or other partner sites that have their adsense enable on their websites, while BING ads appear on the same of bing search result same for Yahoo.

    Who Can See PPC Ads?

    Pay Per Click services will be shown to those users who search for a query on a search engine using a set of keywords that are targeted for your website and its PPC services.

    Which Tools Are Used For PPC Ads?

    Every search engine has its PPC services tool like Google Ads there is an Adwords tool and Google keyword tool, and some 3rd party tools. WordStream’s Niche Finder, WordTracker, and search term reports.

    How Much Does PPC Ads Cost?

    There’s no specific amount, you can choose your custom budget and choose your bid for your keyword. The cost of a PPC services and ads campaign also depends on the quality of the Ad and the bid price.