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How Much Does a Website Cost? Check Out Our Website Pricing Guide

To reach a broader audience, it has become essential for businesses to operate online in this digital age, and often, that means a good website. Many, though, ask “How much should a website cost?” There are several factors that determine the cost of a website. It is estimated that the standard cost of building a website is between £9000 to £120,000. Additionally, once your business has a website, there are a number of ongoing maintenance costs that typically range from £350 to £45,000 every year.


Partner With Reposition To Set up a New Website For Your Business

If you are considering putting your business online, work with Reposition to achieve your goals. We can help you set up a completely new website from scratch and optimise it so you can reach more potential customers no matter what their search terms. The Reposition team can also give your current website a complete makeover to help your brand gain additional visibility. Our team of experienced SEO experts is ready to ensure your site is as attractive to the search engines as it is to potential customers. .

What Is The Cost Of A Business Website?

The cost of a business website can only be estimated. The exact cost can vary based on many factors. It can vary depending on the website’s size, content, design and additional features. For example, web design and development for a website will range from £3500 to £60,000. The annual maintenance charges will be around £350 to £45,000

Below is a breakdown of the estimated business website build cost and annual maintenance.


Type Of Business Website Pages Website Design Cost Annual Maintenance Charges
Small Website 10 to 15 Pages £3500 to £7500 £350 to £1000
Corporate Level Website 25 to 75 Pages £10,000 to £35,000 £1500 to £12,500
E-Commerce Website 100 to 1000 Pages £4000 to £45,000 £12,500 to £25,000
Website Application 20 to 2000 Pages £5000 to £60,000 £25,000 to £50,000

What Is The Cost Of A Website Builder?

There are a number of factors that influence the cost of website builders. The exact pricing structure of your website is determined by the features and functions that your website requires. Most businesses pay between £0 to £400 to use a website builder. There are also the annual maintenance fees to figure into this equation too. It is also common for these web builders to charge for the maintenance of the website, as well as for adding additional functions and features. That fee will vary from £0 to £4500.  You can consider website builders like Wix, WordPress, Jimdo, Weebly or Squarespace if you are looking for a budget-friendly solution for your small business. 

Despite the lower costs, we recommend that you hire a website design agency if you are creating an e-commerce site or a large business website. In addition to providing easy and quick solutions whenever necessary, these agencies have a deep understanding of the industry. As part of their maintenance services, they update your website on a regular basis and ensure that it meets your requirements.

Listed below is an estimation of the cost of building your website from a website builder.

Website Builder Monthly Cost Structure
WordPress £6 to £50
Wix £20 to £400
Weebly £0 to £25
Jimdo £0 to £30
Squarespace £15 to £45
GoDaddy £6 to £12
Many factors determine the cost of a website builder, including subscriptions, hosting, themes, plugins, SSL certificates, and even SEO and PPC.

What Costs Are Associated With Building A New Website?

The cost of a website is influenced by the design of the website as well as the overall content that it contains. Below we have listed the costs associated with the creation of a website and the costs associated with ongoing website maintenance.

What Costs Are Associated With Building A New Website


Factors Cost
Web Design Costs £9000 to £120000 / Design
Website Maintenance Costs £350 to £45000 / Year
Website Marketing Costs £1000 to £100,000+ / Month
Current Website Optimisation Costs £1500 to £2500 / Month

Cost Factors Associated With Building A Website

A new website can cost anywhere between £9000 and £120,000 to design and develop. Wondering exactly where companies come up with those cost estimates? Several factors contribute to the final cost of website development and design. Below is a summary of the factors that contribute to the final cost of building a website

SSL Certificate Cost (£0 to £1200)

SSL refers to the Secure Sockets Layer. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions with regard to SSL certificates.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates encrypt sensitive information transmitted to ensure that your website and the data of its visitors remain secure. If a website is secured by an SSL certificate, the URL will display “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP”. You can also view more information by clicking on the small padlock to the left of the URL.

Why do you need an SSL Certificate?

In order to ensure the security of your website and the data of your users, an SSL certificate is required. Additionally, this will help prevent attackers from duplicating the website as well as build trust among users.

What are the risks of not using an SSL Certificate?

The data contained on your website will be more vulnerable to hackers if you do not have an SSL certificate. Furthermore, the personal information of your customers will be put at risk to a great extent.

How to get an SSL Certificate?

You can get an SSL certificate in four easy steps.

  1. ICANN Lookup is used to check the accuracy of the data on your website.
  2. The CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be produced.
  3. The Certificate Authority must be provided with the Certificate Signing Request in order to verify your domain name.
  4. You install the certificate on your website.

Domain Name Cost (£1 to £10)

The cost of a domain name isn’t very high, but it’s actually one of the most important costs you’ll encounter. What is a domain name, how much is it, and why does it matter so much? Take a look. 

Let us understand what a domain name is, how much does it cost and why does it really matter?

What is a domain name?

Your domain name serves as the identity of your website. The domain name must be unique and you have to register it annually. For the purpose of developing a website, this is considered a recurring cost. The domain name will cost approximately £1 to £10. Domain names are available for sale on several websites on the market.

Domain names play a vital role in establishing your company’s identity. When you choose the right domain name, you stand out from your competitors. While it is possible to acquire a domain name that someone else is already using, you could end up having to pay thousands of pounds to do so, which may add to the total overall cost.

Theme or Style Cost (£1500 to £12500)

The design of your website plays an important role in marketing your brand. It is important to understand what web design is, how much it costs, and why it matters.

What is website design?

In the process of developing a website, design is one of the most expensive factors. Designing a website involves both the visual appearance of the site as well as the functionality of the site for the users.

What is the cost of website design?

There is a direct relationship between the cost of the website and the design of the site and the number of pages and the complexity of the site. A website with a simple design and few pages will cost less than one with a complex design and many pages. Depending on the complexity of the website, the theme cost may vary from £1500 to £12500.

Website Hosting Cost (£20 to £20000)

Web hosting services allow users to access your website. When you create a website, you need space to store all the data and information it requires to function properly. This required space for your website is provided by web hosting services.

Why do you need web hosting?

Hosting services are required for every website. It may be more convenient for some to set up their own server, but that, in and of itself, is a time-consuming and expensive process. Whether you choose to go with a server or an outside host, you must put your site online if you want it to be accessible to others. 

What are the steps involved in web hosting?

To bring your site online with your web host, you’ll follow a fairly simple process.

  1. Determine the type of website that you would like.
  2. Select the server that will host your website.
  3. Choose your web hosting plan.
  4. Make modifications to your DNS address.
  5. Create your website and upload it.

In the event that you are using a web design company, they can assist you in selecting the appropriate hosting plan for your website.

Website Pages Cost (£800 to £10000)

The number of pages on a website will differ depending on the business for which it is created. The more pages you have, the more content you will need. As a result, website cost is also influenced by the total number of pages.

Let us have a look at the estimated cost, based on the total number of pages.

  • 10 to 15 Pages: £1500 to £7500
  • 25 to 75 Pages: £10000 to £35000
  • 100 to 1000 Pages: £4000 to £45000
  • 20 to 2000 Pages: £5000 to £60000

Responsive Web Design Cost (£2500 to £20000)

Responsive design isn’t necessary for every site these days, but understanding the concept itself is a must as you plan your company’s site.

What is responsive web design?

The concept of responsive web design involves the site automatically adjusting your content based on the size and orientation of the screen so that no matter what type of screen the user has to interact with your site – whether it’s a phone, a tablet, a desktop, or a laptop computer – they have a fantastic experience.

Is responsive web design required?

It is not absolutely necessary to have this. It does, though, make sure that your website is easy to access and use across platforms and screens.

Interactive Media Cost (£200 to £10000)

Interactive media can help define your business. Understanding exactly how it can help, though, is a must as you decide how it might work with your brand.

What is meant by interactive media?

Interactive media is a way to share data, ideas, and other information through user-centred technology. Whether it’s text-based, unique video content, or even a gamification aspect to your site, it can mean big things for your company.

If you need help with this, you can hire an interactive media agency. It is important for you to provide equal input to the media team and work closely with them, though, if you’re looking for something that truly reflects your brand. Consequently, the cost varies depending on the resources and time invested.

Ecommerce Functionality Cost (£1500 to £22500)

E-commerce businesses require this to operate smoothly without confusing their customers. It will cost somewhere between £1500 to £22500. In order to understand how e-commerce platforms work, let’s dig a little deeper.

What is e-commerce functionality?

The e-commerce functionality on a website will allow you to sell your products effectively by allowing you to add various different functions, such as shipping systems, payment systems, payment gateways, and product pages.

Is e-commerce functionality required by all websites?

Sites selling goods online are those that most often require e-commerce functionality. There will be some websites that will not require this. In the case of e-commerce websites, however, this will simplify the process for the business owner.

Content Management System Cost (£1500 to £22500) 

If you don’t have a developer experience, a content management system is absolutely essential. 

What is a content management System (CMS)?

A CMS allows you to make changes to your website without modifying the code that runs the site. In the event you need to make minor changes to your business website from time to time, you will require a CMS.

The key reason to use a CMS is that you can change minor details such as the content, add blogs, change images, and change meta tags yourself without having to go back to your development team to make those updates.

Database Integration Cost (£1500 to £22500)

You can use database integration to add data from a third-party website or from some other place to your website. 

What exactly is database integration?

Database integration involves combining data from various sources and presenting it to your users in a logical way. A real-time view of the information will then be available to the user on the website.

What are the benefits of database integration?

Database integration can be incredibly important to your site as it can:

  • Provides real-time reporting
  • Decrease the chances of error in the data you provide
  • Offer detailed information to users
  • Create transparency from end to end

Cost Factors Associated With Maintaining A Website

Depending on the services required, the cost of maintaining a built website could range from £350 to £45,000

When you have developed a website, it is imperative that it remains secure and functions efficiently. Additionally, you will be able to keep your website updated with all the latest changes within your company’s offerings. What exactly contributes to the maintenance of a site? Take a look:

Cost Factors Associated With Maintaining A Website

Domain Maintenance Cost (£2 to £20)

The cost of domain maintenance is similar to that of house maintenance. Upon purchasing this, you will have to maintain or renew the domain name. Renewal is required every year. You may lose access to the domain name if you don’t. 

Renewal costs for a domain name range from £2 to £20. Depending on the owner, the cost may vary.

Website Hosting Maintenance Cost (£20 to £10,000)

As part of your purchase plan, you will need to pay for website hosting services on a regular basis. In other words, if you purchase hosting services on an annual basis, you will have to pay again after a year.

There will be an annual fee between £20 to £10,000 for website hosting. Depending on how much traffic your website receives, the service costs will vary. In general, the more traffic your website receives, the more expensive it will be to host it.

SSL Certificate Maintenance Cost (£10 to £1500)

Your website maintenance cost is also affected by this factor. After purchasing an SSL certificate, you must renew it annually. You will need to pay between £10 to £1500 if you want to renew your SSL certificate.

Content Management System Maintenance Cost (£0 to £35,000)

You do not have to pay maintenance costs if you use a free CMS. An annual fee of approximately £35,000 is required if you are using a complex paid CMS.

Website Maintenance Cost (£350 to £45,000)

The cost of website maintenance can vary depending on the size of the website and the amount of assistance it needs on a daily, monthly, or annual basis. Maintenance costs will increase the more regular assistance is required. 

It’s important to note that many websites need assistance after hours. The cost of emergency assistance might be higher than the regular maintenance cost if the website requires it.

It costs between £350 and £45,000 to maintain a website.

Ecommerce Functionality Maintenance Cost (£150 to £250)

You will be responsible for the functionality maintenance cost if you own an e-commerce website which means you need a secure payment gateway. In order to protect and maintain your payment system, you need to pay approximately £150 to  £250 as e-commerce functionality maintenance cost.


Cost Factors Associated With Website Marketing

Building a website that isn’t visible on Google is a waste of your time and effort. After all, they can’t work with you if they can’t find you. For this reason, business owners invest a lot of money in marketing and SEO. All websites have different marketing costs.

There are several factors that influence the cost of website marketing including the size of the business and the website, as well as the marketing services you choose.

Cost Factors Associated With Website Marketing

PPC Cost (£250 to £70 Million)

These days, PPC campaigns are becoming increasingly popular. A significant amount of money is invested by even the smallest of businesses in regular advertising. For the same purpose, large scale businesses may as well spend millions of pounds. PPC is based on the pay-per-click model which means that the charges will only apply if someone clicks on the advertisement. Therefore, most businesses would find this to be more appropriate.

SEO Cost (£750 to £50,000)

There is an increase in the amount of money that businesses are spending on SEO services these days. Typically, they spend between £750 to £50,000 on a monthly basis in order to maintain a higher ranking than their competitors.

In recent years, businesses have become aware that they can achieve a great deal with SEO expert services to help increase their business visibility.

Professional Copywriting Cost (£50 to £400)

Costs for professional copywriting will vary according to the content’s length and the number of pages you need. For professional copywriting services, businesses might spend between £50 to £400. The content of every website must be based on the brand. Expert copywriting services can be of great assistance in this regard.

Email Marketing Cost (£10 to £1000)

An average business website spends between £10 and £1000 on email marketing each month. The goal is to connect directly with your target audience. When compared with other marketing techniques, email marketing is more likely to generate a lead.

Social Media Advertising Cost (£3500 to £5500)

Social media is the most effective means of promoting your business. The cost of advertising a business’s website on social media ranges from £3500 to £5500. The advantage of this platform is that you are more likely to receive clicks from your target audience. The idea of allocating some funds to social media advertising on a monthly basis is always a good one.

Content Marketing Cost (£1500 to £10,000)

Relevant, continual content means a renewed chance to connect with your target audience on a regular basis. Such services will create content keeping in mind the target audience. Your content on the website needs to answer the basic as well as the most important questions that might arise in your audience’s mind. A lot of research work goes into this. That is why professionals are required. The content marketing costs vary from £1500 to £10,000.


Website Cost FAQs

How much does a website cost?

You can expect to pay between £9000 and £120,000 for your website. There are several factors that determine the cost of a website, including its size, content, design, and features. The annual maintenance cost of your website is even a regular expense.

How much does a beginner website design cost?

You can expect to pay between £150 and £250 as hourly rate for your website. The amount might vary based on the website requirements.

How many hours does it take to make a website?

Building a website might take somewhere between 150 to 500 hours. A website builder focuses on many stages when designing a website and launching it. In general, website development takes a certain amount of time. depending upon its size and complexity.

How much does a website cost for a small business?

An average small business website costs between £1500 and £7500. This is related to the number of pages that are required on the website as well as its design.

Can I build a website for free?

Several website builders offer free options for creating a website. However, you may not find all the features you are seeking in a free website. If you are planning to build a website, we recommend that you use a professional website builder.

Can I create a free website on Google?

Yes! You can. However, only if you have adequate knowledge about how to do so and if you do not need the professional or expert advice of a website builder.

How much does it cost to build a professional website in the UK?

In the UK, you can expect to pay between £100 and £10,000 a month for a website, depending on its size and design.

Do you have to pay monthly for a website?

Once you own a website, you will have to pay for website hosting on a monthly basis. Depending on your agreement with the service providers, other maintenance costs may be charged on an annual or monthly basis.