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Is SEO A Dying Industry?

    Reposition Services UK
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    By Dev
    December 6, 2023
    ~ 8 minutes to read

    Is SEO A Dying Industry

    The question of whether SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a dying industry has been a topic of heated debate. With advancements in technology, the rise of artificial intelligence, and the constant changes in Google algorithms, many speculate about the future of SEO.

    This article delves into the intricacies of SEO, exploring its current state, potential automation, and what might change SEO in the coming years.

    Will SEO Be Automated?

    Search engine optimisation (SEO) has been an integral part of digital marketing for over 20 years now. As Google and other search engines have become more advanced, SEO has had to continuously evolve to keep up. This has led some to question whether SEO as an industry is dying or becoming obsolete.

    With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, many believe that SEO tasks like keyword research, content optimisation, and link building will eventually be fully automated. Tools already exist that can generate keyword ideas, analyse content, and even write basic articles. So in theory, the need for human SEO analysts could diminish over time.

    However, most experts believe automation will augment SEO rather than replace it completely. While software can help with tactical optimisations, human insight and creativity are still crucial for strategic planning and decision-making. Machines also lack the contextual understanding needed to evaluate content quality or user intent.

    So automation may change the nature of SEO roles, with less emphasis on tedious tasks. But strategising which content to create, interpreting rankings shifts, and building relationships will remain human skills for the foreseeable future. SEO as an industry is evolving rapidly, but won’t be fully automated any time soon.

    Will SEO Exist In 5 Years?

    Given the pace of change in the digital landscape, it’s understandable why some question whether SEO as a practice will even exist in 5 years. Google’s algorithms and capabilities advance continually, while user behaviour and expectations shift. Many wonder if search engine optimisation will remain relevant in an increasingly voice-driven and visual web.

    While parts of SEO may operate differently in 5 years, focusing on user experience and value will likely remain key pillars. Even if more searches happen via voice assistants, optimisation for featured snippets and knowledge panels will be crucial for visibility.

    The fundamentals—like quality content, website speed, and authority building—are also unlikely to lose importance. While the tactics and specifics may change with new technologies, people will still create content and want it found. This core needs that SEO fulfils indicates search engines still presenting unique value in 2028, though their offerings may expand.

    Some believe SEO may merge more with overall customer experience optimisation, pursuing user satisfaction over search rankings specifically. However, understanding how people search and what they seek will continue to be mission-critical for businesses. Though some tasks may become automated, human creativity, strategy, and empathy stay central within effective SEO.

    So while search engine optimisation will surely evolve by 2028, dedicating resources to understanding and satisfying user intent through search will still drive success. By adapting best practices to new technologies as they emerge, SEO should maintain relevancy while progressively improving experiences. Though specifics shift, SEO’s future remains bright for digital marketers with human creativity to complement automation.

    What Is Replacing SEO?

    As SEO advances from focusing on keywords to overall quality and customer experience, some wonder what tactic or approach may replace SEO in the future. The short answer is SEO itself – or rather, an evolved and expanded version of search engine optimisation focused wholly on value for users.

    Rather than another marketing method swooping in to eliminate SEO, search engines like Google want to reduce the need for optimisation. Google aims to proactively connect people with the most relevant and satisfactory content through intelligent algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and neural networks that understand user intent.

    So, the search engine works to “pre-optimise” results, using machine learning to determine the authority, reliability, uniqueness, and usefulness of pages based on billions of SEO data points. Google handles the heavy lifting to interpret and meet user intent without needing keywords stuffed onto pages.

    This doesn’t mean creators shouldn’t focus on optimising for search. But it does shift emphasis toward holistic user experience and satisfaction first, rather than reverse engineering what might rank well. With Google getting better at understanding language, sites proving genuinely valuable organically gain visibility.

    Rather than another marketing tactic replacing SEO outright, search engine optimisation must focus more wholly on understanding customer journeys to provide utility at each touchpoint. The future remains bright for SEO experts willing to expand their skill sets and embrace this user-first approach – truly preparing for where search engines and the web itself are headed.

    How Many Google Searches Per Day Are Made?

    Google undoubtedly dominates the search engine space, fielding trillions of searches per year.

    But just how many queries does Google handle daily?

    According to the latest data revealed directly within a 2023 Google I/O conference, over 8.5 billion searches now happen globally on Google per day. Breaking that massive figure down:

    Is SEO A Dying Industry - NO here are Google Search Statistics

    99,000 searches per second

    5.9 million searches per minute

    354 million searches per hour

    Over 8.5 billion searches per day

    As the world continues adopting mobile devices that provide instant access to information, growth remains astronomical.

    In many ways, Google search acts like a window into our ever-evolving interests, needs and intentions. Query volume can indicate rising trends – whether in news, culture or consumer behaviour.

    These search figures also demonstrate the incredible opportunity brands have in providing relevant resources. But with such quantity, being discoverable presents challenges, making SEO key for businesses wanting their content found.

    Understanding the search habits and intent behind these 8.5 billion+ daily Google queries globally helps shape strategy for companies seeking visibility. It takes immense insight and creativity to develop truly useful resources ranking among trillions of possibilities.

    Google Algorithm Update 2023 And Its Effects

    Google continually works to refine and improve its search algorithms, typically releasing major updates 2-3 times per year. These changes aim to enhance the relevance of results and overall user experience. As we progress through 2023, some notable effects seem likely based on Google’s priorities.

    With a focus on elevating authority and expertise, sites building reputations as trusted resources on topics may see a boost. Content demonstrating expertise through citations, interviews or profiles can reinforce credibility. So brands with thought leadership initiatives may benefit.

    Additionally, Google wants to combat content purely created for monetisation over providing actual utility. Sites crammed with ads while offering little unique value are likely to slip in rankings. Consequently, publishers and creators focused on the audience need to stand for better positioning.

    Algorithm updates also emphasise comprehensive expertise. Those producing consistently outstanding diverse yet interrelated content around core topics may gain an advantage.

    Featured snippets expanding multimodally provide opportunities as well. Ranking for the highlighted search results boxes increasingly necessitates images, videos and other engaging media.

    One common thread seems to be reducing incentives for shallow content or thin pages designed expressly to target keywords and rank quickly. With so much content now produced, Google realises the opportunity to reliably point users to truly satisfying and helpful resources.

    So while each algorithm update brings some uncertainty, focusing on audience, credibility and value above all else appears a safe bet amidst the turbulence. Those aims seem highly aligned with Google’s vision for search to improve life for all users worldwide.

    Do People Read Blogs Anymore?

    The inception of blogs provided individuals with a simple way to publish content while building an audience around shared interests. But with social media’s meteoric rise and demand for video over text content, some question whether people still actively read blogs in 2023 or if they are just dead blogs.

    On the surface, diminishing blog subscribers and engagement metrics might indicate dwindling interest from readers. Technical developments allowing multimedia embedding also shifted focus from the written word. But while other mediums expand audience reach, blogs still actively attract millions of visitors seeking knowledge.

    People embracing video often still supplement visual content with detailed written descriptions and key takeaways. Informational query searches also predominantly lead users to niche blogs with actionable solutions over social posts. Since multidimensional content performs best, the most effective blogs incorporate some media beyond text.

    Research shows that 77% of internet users still read blogs weekly for either entertainment or education. Both newcomers and established writers build loyal followings providing valued commentary or expertise within specific topics. So blogs effectively build communities around meaningful, helpful themes and engage consistent readership.

    Essentially, people read blogs that prioritise serving the reader over solely promoting the writer. Utilising multimedia aligning with audience preferences supplements engagement but high-quality writing still underpins great blogs.

    Those insightful souls generating authentic value for readers should keep keyboards tapping – establishing trust leads fans to follow onto any platform.

    Why websites Are Dead?

    In an era where mobile apps and social networks increasingly dominate engagement, some believe dedicated websites may no longer prove necessary for brands. But while apps provide notable utility for some, websites deliver unique value unlikely to vanish when strategically positioned.

    The average individual spends almost 7 hours per day interacting via the mobile web – hardly a figure indicating obsolescence. Google also continues driving billions of visitors to websites every day while refining algorithms to evaluate page quality. Their steady focus on improving website experience demonstrates enduring importance.

    However, simply having any site no longer guarantees visibility or traffic alone; Providers must offer truly helpful resources worth bookmarking and sharing. Through purposeful optimisation for search engines and readers rather than blogs stuffed with keywords, websites build loyalty and remain essential hubs.

    Certain brands find apps better suiting customer needs or expectations given specific functionalities and conveniences unique to mobile. But even then, the website remains vital real estate for housing resources site visitors more actively engage with. Though apps can effectively extend reach, websites should anchor the digital ecosystem providing room for personalised experiences.

    Just as physical storefronts still drive sales despite eCommerce’s dominance, websites won’t vanish from consumer journeys anytime soon when thoughtfully orchestrated.

    The most successful brands determine how to best develop enduring presences through both owned media channels – apps and sites. This omnichannel perspective keeps websites wholly relevant.

    Google Search Is Dying Or Is It Just A Myth?

    With mobile apps and voice assistants gaining adoption for finding information online, some speculate Google dying in its ‘search’ criteria or declining into irrelevance. But are such assumptions reality or just myth? All data indicates search remains integral despite technological shifts.

    While app usage does dominate time spent on mobile devices overall, 90% of that time concentrates on just 5 apps – none of which offer search functionality. Google still handles over 63,000 queries every second globally proving searches still occur separately.

    Consider also that mobile browser usage accounts for 38% of the time spent on smartphones. Browsing often leads users to execute searches and engage further with discovered content. So opportunity exists beyond apps for search engines facilitating discovery.

    Even though voice-initiated searches on assistant devices are rising exponentially, most queries are still too complex for the technology to handle alone. Follow-up searches on browsers or apps prove necessary for specific clarification. So traditional search maintains importance following voice engagement.

    Though smartphone apps may disrupt some industries like navigation or ridesharing, seeking information remains a fundamentally different goal unaffected by app prevalence. With Google’s knowledge graph also summarising answers directly in results, moving searches away from web browsers seems unlikely.

    While search behaviours and patterns continue advancing with technology, search itself remains essential for connecting people to topics unfamiliar or requiring deeper investigation. Until apps can fully replace abilities to follow trains of inquiries – leading searchers to their desired destinations – engines like Google are here to stay.

    The Past Isn’t Dead It Isn’t Even Past – How Do SEO Analysts See It?

    The statement “the past isn’t dead, it isn’t even past” rings true for SEO analysts, given modern best practices build directly upon archived learnings. What once ranked well and now proves ineffective still provides context for why current approaches succeed. SEO practitioners embracing history possess perspective helping them shape more accurate future strategies.

    Modern SEO principles like optimising for natural language and customer satisfaction over keywords seem divorced from earlier days filled with stuffing repetitive phrases onto pages deliberately. But search engines originally weighed keywords so heavily specifically because they lacked better mechanisms for determining relevance.

    As algorithms evolved interpreting language more contextually to meet intended meanings rather than literal queries, stuffing no longer made logical sense. But ignoring those antecedents prevents understanding exactly why expectations changed.

    Embracing the past also helps analysts recognise how dramatically organic behaviour can shift following major updates. Just as early 2000s updates rewarding keywords led to radical optimisation changes, core algorithm adjustments today require observing impact and pivoting.

    Why SEO strategy does not last forever as engines continually progress, becomes a question of consideration. However, elements of past approaches resurface in new forms if they served user needs effectively once before. The past shows nothing becomes completely obsolete, but rather finds rebirth through current technologies.


    Due to search history’s insight, SEO experts know truths once held dear may now mislead, while former sins lead to redemption.

    Thus, they wish to take advantage of past learnings as guides while navigating today’s terrain and surveying tomorrow’s landscapes. There is no such thing as a dead past and dead SEO. Understanding the past is the key to envisioning the future.