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Ecommerce SEO Services

We Are Top-Notch Ecommerce SEO Company

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    Ecommerce SEO Services

    Increase Sales And Revenue When You Optimise Your Store

    Your brand has its own unique style, and with ecommerce SEO services at Reposition, we work to develop a custom strategy around your product, category, and brand pages that will help attract motivated customers who are ready to buy. The customer journey is different for every single agency, but our experience means we know how to find motivated customers and help them find their ecommerce storefront using our ecommerce SEO services.

    Multi-Platform Experience

    Ecommerce platforms abound today, but there aren't many that we haven't worked with in the past. Whether you're running Magento, Shopify, or any other option available today, we can take the steps necessary to ensure your content is found by all the right people.

    Keyword Targeting

    Our team of ecommerce experts will work to identify the keywords in every step of the buying cycle when it comes to your product. Sure, we know you want to attract those initial window shoppers, but the reality is that converting them into sales is absolutely necessary, and we can help with our ecommerce SEO services.

    Explore Ecommerce SEO Service Plans

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    £1500 / month

    • check
      100 Internal category Page Analysis
    • check
      20 Internal Blog Page Optimisation
    • check
      Technical Analysis
    • check
      100 Internal Product Page Analysis
    • check
      Enhanced Ecommerce GA4 Tracking
    • check
      Social Media Post Sharing (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
    • check
      Monthly Reporting
    • check
      Monthly Ranking Report
    • check
      Ecommerce Schema Setup
    • check
      1 Web 2.0 Links
    • check
      5 Content Ideas With Cluster Keywords Blog Implementation
    • check
      10 Guest Blogs Links
    • check
      Sponsored Review By Bloggers Product Based
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    £3000 / month

    • check
      150 Internal category Page Analysis
    • check
      50 Internal Blog Page Optimisation
    • check
      Technical Analysis
    • check
      150 Internal Product Page Analysis
    • check
      Enhanced Ecommerce GA4 Tracking
    • check
      Social Media Post Sharing (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
    • check
      Monthly Reporting
    • check
      Monthly Ranking Report
    • check
      Ecommerce Schema Setup
    • check
      2 Web 2.0 Links
    • check
      10 Content Ideas With Cluster Keywords Blog Implementation
    • check
      15 Guest Blogs Links
    • check
      2 Sponsored Review By Bloggers Product Based
    Bar Graph


    £3500 / month

    • check
      200 Internal category Page Analysis
    • check
      70 Internal Blog Page Optimisation
    • check
      Technical Analysis
    • check
      200 Internal Product Page Analysis
    • check
      Enhanced Ecommerce GA4 Tracking
    • check
      Social Media Post Sharing (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
    • check
      Monthly Reporting
    • check
      Monthly Ranking Report
    • check
      Ecommerce Schema Setup
    • check
      3 Web 2.0 Links
    • check
      15 Content Ideas With Cluster Keywords Blog Implementation
    • check
      20 Guest Blogs Links
    • check
      3 Sponsored Review By Bloggers Product Based

    Book A Call

    Designing A Customised Plan

    In our Ecommerce SEO services, our strategies are designed to meet the needs of Ecommerce companies just like yours. By evaluating your goals, your current strategy, and your industry, we’ll help build a comprehensive Ecommerce SEO plan to increase site visits and sales.

    Bring Organic Traffic to Your Virtual Door

    Ecommerce SEO services help to increase the number of individuals who land on your site is a must if you’re going to see increased sales numbers, and we understand how to make that happen. Research shows Ecommerce sites that are continually optimised using Ecommerce SEO services have improved positioning, so we look to a number of factors to get you there including

    Ecommerce sales numbers are only going to continue to increase. Will shoppers be able to find your site online?

    Customised Ecommerce SEO Services With Effective Strategy

    Ecommerce SEO services are the key to growing your business, but your campaign can’t take a cookie-cutter approach if you’re going to make it to the first page of the search engine results. We’ll develop a digital marketing campaign that works and has a major impact on your visibility, and we’ll develop it just for you. We offer

    Staying on the same page as our clients are our primary goal. At Reposition, we provide Ecommerce SEO services with your operations in mind!

    pokerstars logo

    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention


    Enterprise website restructuring and traffic retention strategies are a specialism of our SEO Company. Hugo Boss are one of many brands we have consulted over the past 15 years. Company structures change and stakeholders need this reflected within brand strategy. If your internal marketing team needs help ensuring a restructure doesn't lead to catastrophic ranking and traffic loss then get in touch.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention

    purple bricks logo

    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Funded Startups and Brand Building

    XMRWallet logo

    Cryptocurrency, finance and banking strategies you can reply on. We understand the need for careful content curation and the intricacies of regulated sectors. Strategies for these sectors can be complicated and areas such as paid ads for cryptocurrency and crypto wallets can extremely difficult to navigate. Our in-house team of SEO experts can guarantee to get your ads live, content published and links built. Contact us if you are struggling.

    Cryptocurrency, Crypto Wallet, Finance and Banking Solutions

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    Purple Bricks Image

    What Is SEO For Ecommerce?

    Ecommerce SEO refers to optimising an online store to help customers discover and purchase products through search engines like Google. It involves enhancing website content, architecture, speed and authority signals to drive organic traffic, product visibility and conversions.

    Does Ecommerce Need Optimisation?

    Absolutely. Driving relevant organic search traffic is critical for your online business success for several reasons:

    • High Intent Value – Searchers on Google actively looking for products have strong purchase intent compared to passive social media traffic. Converting these high-intent visitors has higher ROI.
    • Qualified Traffic – People searching for specific products are more likely ready to purchase or further down the funnel, saving stores acquisition costs vs untargeted visitors.
    • Lower Cost Than Paid Ads – Ranking organically can lower paid advertising costs considerably over the long run while delivering more conversions.
    • Builds Authority – Ranking well for category and product terms boosts a store’s authority and trust signals the more its pages appear in search results.

    As such, all Ecommerce sites require investing in optimisation as a key sales driver integrated with the rest of the digital marketing technology stack.

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    How To Improve Ecommerce Website SEO?

    Some tips for improving the overall performance include:

    • Ensure a fast, mobile-friendly website with an optimised checkout process.
    • Produce detailed product descriptions optimised with relevant keywords.
    • Structure a clean internal link architecture around categories and products.
    • Create quality content and blog posts to boost site authority.
    • Build backlinks through content, outreach and earned media placements.
    • Use schema markups on product pages to stand out in rich results.
    • Analyse metrics like organic traffic, rankings and conversions regularly.

    What Is The Difference Between SEO And Ecommerce SEO?

    While foundational technical and content best practices apply for both standard search engine optimisation and Ecommerce optimisation, there are a few core differences:

    Focus Areas – Traditional optimisation focuses more on topics, informational content and landing pages whereas Ecommerce search optimisation focuses on optimising product categories and individual product pages.

    Goals – Standard optimisation aims to drive qualified site visitors to convert on calls-to-action like downloads, contact forms etc. The sole goal when optimising Ecommerce websites is to help searchers buy online efficiently.

    Metrics – Key metrics for regular SEO include rankings, organic traffic and leads. For the latter, it includes product page conversions and revenue attributed to organic are more important KPIs.

    Optimising an Ecommerce website takes standard SEO foundations but narrows the focus to product discoverability and purchasability. Converting searchers along their buyer journey is the key driver.

    What Are The Benefits Of Optimising Searches For Ecommerce Websites?

    Some of the major benefits brands see from investing include:

    • Increased organic website traffic and lowered cost-per-click from paid ads.
    • Higher product visibility leads to direct online sales and marketplace conversions.
    • Improved brand awareness and authority by ranking well for industry keywords.
    • Higher ROI from visitors driven through non-paid listings vs other channels.
    • Compound growth effect over time from relevance signals like dwell time and links.

    Now that we’ve covered the foundations of it, let’s move on to more strategic drivers.

    Why SEO Matters For Online Commerce Websites

    Driving organic growth should be a key pillar within every brand’s digital strategy. Here is why it matters specifically for online stores:

    90% Of Searchers Don’t Go Past The First Page

    Google studies show over 90% never go beyond the first page of search results. So ranking well is key for discoverability. Optimisation done well helped drive Amazon’s rise as searchers consistently found them ranking #1.

    Lower Cost Than Paid Ads

    Ranking organically means brands don’t have to continually pay for paid search advertising bids to drive traffic. Beyond substantially lower CPC costs, organic clicks also convert better through unbiased listings.

    Qualified High Intent Traffic

    Searchers taking time to find your product likely have higher intent and readiness to buy compared to passive social media traffic. Identifying and targeting these keywords nets qualified visitors.

    Builds Authority and Trust

    Appearing prominently for buyer keywords and ranking well over competitors strengthens brand authority signals, boosting click-through rates further.

    Compound Growth Over Time

    Unlike paid ads, organic rankings can steadily build more momentum through developing authority signals – relevance signals from links, content and dwell time.

    Through leveraging these optimisation advantages, brands see substantial ROI long-term from comprehensive organic growth strategies integrated with paid search and product ads.

    How To Find Keywords For Ecommerce Products And Category Pages?

    • Analyse search demand and trends for product and category terms through Google Keyword Planner and trends tools.
    • Study what keywords competitors rank well for related to top products.
    • Leverage autocomplete search and related keyword tools for seed keyword opportunities.
    • Use Google Search Console to identify existing organic keywords driving traffic.
    • Conduct voice-of-customer research through surveys and reviews to spot buyer keywords.
    • Identify long tail variations for exact match queries on product attributes and parts.
    • Optimise pages for keywords that align both search volume and conversion potential.

    What Is Built In SEO Ecommerce?

    Many modern online shopping platforms and shopping cart solutions like Shopify come with SEO capabilities built-in to help store owners optimise technical elements like

    • Structured data markup to enable rich result listings
    • Mobile responsive templates for better mobile indexation
    • Meta tag and title templates customised across the site
    • URL semantics based on categories and products
    • Built-in image optimisation
    • Integrations with analytics platforms

    These solve foundational technical challenges allowing experts to focus more on value-add content, links and execution.

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    How To Write Content For An Ecommerce Website?

    Follow these best practices when developing content for shopping websites:

    • Produce useful, detailed product descriptions that answer consumer questions and incorporate target keyword variations naturally.
    • Create category, brand and product comparison articles structured around buyer research queries.
    • Develop visual guides and video tutorials to support customers in picking products.
    • Publish in-depth long-form blog posts around industry use cases and trends to attract search traffic.
    • Repurpose evergreen content across site sections to power internal linking and amplification.
    • Format content using bullet points, tables and easy-scanning headers to help visitors digest information.
    • Update catalogue pages regularly with fresh imagery, new SKUs and related product recommendations fueled by search data.

    Next, let’s move on to overall best practices.

    Ecommerce SEO Best Practices

    Beyond fundamental technical and content optimisation, online commerce brands need to focus on shopper-specific optimisation to truly maximise optimisation impact. Here are key best practices for its success:

    Enhance Product Detail Pages

    Optimise product title tags, descriptions and attributes for both search bots and consumers. Ensure critical information on pricing, variants and inventory are easily found.

    Eliminate Site Friction

    Remove anything slowing down shoppers from accessing products and checking out quickly – whether navigation issues, speed lags or janky filters.

    Leverage Structured Data

    Implement rich result schema markups for products, product reviews, breadcrumbs, FAQs and site searches to stand out across organic listings with quick actions for visitors.

    Produce Shopper Content

    Create personalised content that matches search intent across product research, comparisons, buyer’s guides and category insights directly answering consumer questions.

    Target Keyword Expansions

    Broaden keywords targeted to cover long tail product modifier searches on features, specs, parts, components and model numbers.

    Promote Curated Collections

    Build targeted product playlists, bundles and curated category pages aligned to specific use cases and shopper segments tailored to search demand.

    Optimise Cross-Channel CX

    Reduce friction across channels like mobile apps, voice search, marketplaces and paid advertising through consistent product information optimised for everywhere customers discover and buy.

    Track Zero & First-Party Data

    Connect search analytics with CRM and behavioural data on buyers to optimise pages for the micro-conversion stages of each personalised journey.

    Automate Where Possible

    Setup templates, dynamic remarketing ads, automated link building and personalised content experiences fueled by insights to scale optimisation.

    Building capabilities across these core components propel sustainable organic growth.

    Now let’s address one of the key questions in the planning cost for shopping websites.

    How Much Does SEO for Ecommerce Cost?

    Many factors help determine the cost of optimising shopping websites.

    SEO Pricing Factors

    Since optimising Ecommerce website involves both one-time setup and ongoing execution, costs vary based on the scope of initial optimisation needs and monthly maintenance:

    • Depth of technical issues
    • Size of website and products
    • Current traffic volumes
    • Competitiveness of keywords targeted
    • Location targeting and languages
    • Level of content production

    Need Ecommerce SEO Services? Let Reposition Help

    Has your online store struggled to drive consistent revenue growth from organic traffic? At Reposition, our dedicated team of experts can unlock substantial ROI through customised optimisation strategies tailored to your industry, competitors, products and customers.

    We start by conducting in-depth audits identifying priority areas to boost rankings, traffic and conversions across category pages, product listings and shopping journeys. Leveraging insights from analytics and search intelligence, our consultants methodically execute strategic solutions spanning technical enhancements, content production, rich result enhancements and link-building campaigns.As a data-driven agency, we continuously optimise ongoing campaigns against key benchmarks for success. Want to gain an edge over competitors? Schedule a consultation with one of our specialists to explore how bespoke Ecommerce search solutions from Reposition can transform organic channel growth for your store.

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    Ecommerce SEO Services - Frequently Asked Questions

    Why Do I Need SEO For My Ecommerce Store?

    If you have an e-commerce store, you need to create value for your brand and earn revenue. SEO for e-commerce plays a vital role to optimise your product and category pages first and build your brand value.

    Will Ecommerce SEO Helps To Increase My Conversions?

    Ecommerce can increase your conversion rate, particularly if you optimise for mobile. More than 52% of people search on mobile devices today. Just imagine showcasing all your products with pages optimised for those mobile devices. Your conversion rate could really shift thanks to SEO.

    How Does Keyword Research Benefit Ecommerce Websites?

    Keyword research is an important aspect of SEO for any site, but for ecommerce sites, it’s particularly important. Each category page creates a new opportunity for visibility, and with the right keywords, you could find yourself at the top of the rankings again and again.

    Are Product Descriptions Actually Important For An Ecommerce Site?

    Product descriptions are brief descriptions which cover the details like dimension, colour, size, etc, and yes, they are actually important! Search engines display the description of any page, so  optimised product page descriptions can influence users to click on a site. They’re not the only factor, though. Product reviews are also important for any online shopper to encourage purchases.