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PPC Audit

Optimising PPC Campaign For Better ROIs


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    PPC Audits & Reviews Services

    ROI Is Everything

    PPC can be an exceptionally effective tool - in the right hands! It enables you to target specific audiences and at all stages of the buyer’s journey and is widely considered one of the most effective marketing channels. But is it for your brand? PPC reviews and PPC audits allow you to track your ROI and leverage this platform for maximum impact

    High Value, Low Cost

    The goal: high value conversions at the lowest cost. To get there, we conduct thorough PPC reviews in order to determine - and improve - ROI.

    Strengths, Weaknesses, And Opportunities

    PPC audits allow us to identify what you’re doing right, what could be better, and where there are opportunities for growth.

    Explore PPC Audit Plans

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    £1500 / month

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      Ad Spend Limit £4500
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      Audit Keyword PPC Keyword Report
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      Audit Bidding Strategy
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      Auditing Existing Campaign
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      Revamping Campaign Strategy
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      Auditing Conversation Tracking
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      Revamping Conversation Tracking
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    £2250 / month

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      Ad Spend Limit £35000
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      Ad Spend Limit £25000
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      Audit Keyword PPC Keyword Report
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      Audit Bidding Strategy
    • check
      Auditing Existing Campaign
    • check
      Revamping Campaign Strategy
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      Auditing Conversation Tracking
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      Revamping Conversation Tracking
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    £3500 / month

    • check
      Audit Keyword PPC Keyword Report
    • check
      Audit Bidding Strategy
    • check
      Auditing Existing Campaign
    • check
      Revamping Campaign Strategy
    • check
      Auditing Conversation Tracking
    • check
      Revamping Conversation Tracking

    See full deliverables

    Optimise PPC Ads

    Optimising your paid ads and improving ROI starts with complete and comprehensive PPC reviews and audits. What’s the difference?

    PPC Reviews

    PPC reviews are lean, which mean looking into your ad campaigns’ strengths and areas for improvement. We’ll help you score quick wins and set you on the path for long-term results. Reposition reviews:

    With insights from your PPC review and PPC Audits, you’ll be able to take your campaigns to the next level.

    PPC Audits

    With our PPC audits, we dig deep into your PPC account and campaigns. This is where we can make a major impact and position you for long-term gains. We analyse:

    With Reposition’s PPC audit services, results are within reach.

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    What Is A PPC Audit?

    A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) audit is a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of a company’s PPC advertising campaigns. It involves a thorough examination of various elements, including account structure, keyword targeting, ad copy, landing pages, bidding strategies, and performance metrics.

    The primary objective of a PPC audit is to identify areas for improvement, optimise campaigns, and maximise the return on investment (ROI) for the business.

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    What Are The Benefits Of A PPC Audit?

    The benefits of conducting a PPC review are numerous and multifaceted. Firstly, auditing a PPC campaign helps uncover inefficiencies and areas for optimisation within the campaign. It provides valuable insights into which elements are performing well and which ones require attention.

    By identifying these opportunities for improvement, businesses can make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall performance of their campaigns.

    Secondly, auditing PPC plays a crucial role in improving the campaign’s ROI. Businesses can increase their conversion rates and achieve better results by addressing inefficiencies, implementing recommendations, and optimising various aspects of the campaign. This, in turn, leads to a higher return on investment, making the PPC efforts more cost-effective and profitable.

    Thirdly, reviewing a PPC campaign ensures that the campaign remains relevant and targeted. It evaluates the effectiveness of ad copy, calls-to-action, and visual elements, ensuring they resonate with the target audience.

    Additionally, it reviews the relevance and competitiveness of targeted keywords, ensuring that the campaign reaches the right audience with the right messaging.

    Furthermore, auditing PPC helps businesses uncover opportunities for cost savings and budget allocation. By identifying underperforming elements and making adjustments, businesses can optimise their budget and redirect resources to more effective channels, resulting in better returns on their advertising spend.

    Another significant benefit of auditing a PPC campaign is ensuring compliance with advertising platform policies. It helps identify any potential violations or areas of concern, preventing potential penalties or account suspensions, which can be detrimental to the campaign’s success.

    Finally, auditing a PPC campaign provides valuable insights into industry trends, best practices, and competitors’ strategies. By staying informed and up-to-date, businesses can make informed decisions, maintain a competitive edge, and adapt to the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

    How Much Does A PPC Audit Cost?

    The cost of auditing PPC campaigns can vary significantly depending on several factors. The complexity of the account, the number of campaigns and ad groups, the depth of analysis required, and the agency or consultant performing the audit all play a role in determining the cost.

    For small businesses or agencies with a limited number of campaigns and ad groups, the cost of PPC auditing services may range from a few hundred pounds to around £1,000 or more. These audits are typically less comprehensive and focus on the most critical elements of the campaign.

    As the scale and complexity of the PPC account increase, so does the cost of the audit. For medium-sized businesses with multiple campaigns, ad groups, and targeting options, the cost of audit services can range from £1,000 to £3,000 or more. These audits are more in-depth, covering a broader range of elements and providing more comprehensive recommendations.

    Large enterprises or agencies with extensive PPC campaigns, spanning multiple platforms and targeting various audiences, can expect to pay upwards of £5,000 or more for a comprehensive audit.

    These audits are highly detailed, involving a team of experts who analyse every aspect of the campaign, from account structure and keyword relevance to bid management strategies and performance metrics.

    It’s important to note that the cost of a PPC review can also depend on the reputation and expertise of the agency or consultant conducting the analysis. Well-established agencies with a proven track record of delivering successful PPC audits and optimisation strategies may charge higher fees compared to lesser-known providers.

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    What Do PPC Audit Services Include?

    PPC audit services typically encompass a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of a PPC campaign. The scope and depth of the analysis can vary depending on the specific needs of the business and the agency or consultant conducting the audit.

    However, most PPC audit services include the following key elements:

    Account Structure Analysis: This involves evaluating the organisation of campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ad copy. Auditors assess whether the structure is logical, efficient, and aligned with the business’s goals.

    Keyword Analysis: A crucial aspect of auditing a PPC campaign is reviewing the relevance, search volume, and competitiveness of the targeted keywords. Auditors analyse the keyword list to identify any irrelevant, low-performing, or high-cost keywords that may be impacting the campaign’s effectiveness.

    Ad Copy and Creative Analysis: PPC auditors assess the effectiveness of ad copy, calls-to-action, and visual elements used in the campaign. They evaluate the messaging, tone, and relevance of the ads to ensure they resonate with the target audience and align with the business’s objectives.

    Landing Page Analysis: A comprehensive audit of the PPC examines the user experience, conversion rate optimisation, and alignment between the ad messaging and the landing pages.

    Targeting Analysis: PPC audit services review the targeting settings, audience segments, and geographic targeting used in the campaign.

    Bid Management Analysis: The analysis includes an assessment of the effectiveness of bid strategies, budgets, and bid adjustments. Auditors evaluate the bid management approach to identify opportunities for optimisation, such as bid adjustments based on device, location, or time of day, to improve the campaign’s cost-effectiveness and ROI.

    Reporting and Data Analysis: PPC analysts analyse campaign performance metrics, conversion rates, and attribution models to gain insights into the campaign’s effectiveness.

    Recommendations and Strategies: Based on the comprehensive analysis, PPC audit services provide actionable insights and recommendations for campaign optimisation.

    These recommendations may include suggestions for restructuring campaigns, modifying targeting options, adjusting bid strategies, optimising ad copy and creatives, improving landing pages, or any other relevant changes that can enhance the overall performance and ROI of the PPC campaigns.

    It’s important to note that the specific elements included when auditing a PPC campaign can vary depending on the provider and the business’s requirements.

    Some audits may focus more heavily on certain aspects, while others may provide a more comprehensive evaluation across all areas. Businesses should communicate their specific needs and goals to ensure the audit services align with their objectives.

    How Does A PPC Audit Help Your PPC Campaign?

    Auditing a PPC campaign plays a crucial role in improving the performance and efficiency of a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaign. By conducting a thorough analysis and evaluation, auditing a PPC campaign helps businesses identify areas for optimisation, maximise their return on investment (ROI), and gain valuable insights to stay competitive in the digital advertising landscape. Here are the key ways that auditing can help your PPC campaigns:

    Identifying Areas for Optimisation: One of the primary benefits of auditing a PPC campaign is its ability to uncover opportunities for optimisation within the campaign. The audit process involves a comprehensive analysis of various elements, including account structure, keyword targeting, ad copy, landing pages, and bidding strategies.

    Improving Campaign Performance: By addressing the inefficiencies and implementing the recommendations provided by the auditing team, businesses can significantly improve the performance of their campaigns.

    Maximising ROI: A well-optimised PPC campaign can generate higher conversion rates, leading to increased ROI. By addressing the issues identified during the audit and implementing the recommended strategies, businesses can maximise the return on their advertising spend.

    This, in turn, makes their PPC efforts more cost-effective and profitable, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently.

    Staying Compliant: Advertising platforms, such as Google Ads, have strict policies and guidelines that must be adhered to. Auditing a PPC campaign ensures that the campaign complies with these policies, avoiding potential penalties or account suspensions that could hinder the campaign’s success.

    Auditors review the account for any violations and provide recommendations to maintain compliance, ensuring the campaign’s long-term viability.

    Gaining Insights: A detailed PPC review provides valuable insights into industry trends, best practices, and competitors’ strategies. By analysing the data and performance metrics, auditors can identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that businesses can leverage to stay competitive.

    This knowledge empowers businesses to make more informed decisions and adapt to the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

    Making Data-Driven Decisions: The analysis and recommendations provided by auditing a PPC campaign are based on data and quantitative metrics. This allows businesses to make data-driven decisions for campaign optimisation and budget allocation, rather than relying solely on assumptions or intuition. By using data-driven insights, businesses can make more informed choices that lead to better results and ROI.

    Improving Account Structure: Auditing a PPC campaign often identifies opportunities to enhance the organisation of campaigns, ad groups, and keyword groupings. By optimising the account structure, businesses can improve campaign management, increase the relevance of ads to target audiences and make it easier to analyse and optimise performance.

    By leveraging the insights and recommendations provided by a PPC review, businesses can unlock the full potential of their PPC campaigns, driving better results, higher ROI, and a competitive edge in the digital advertising space.

    How To Do A PPC Audit?

    Auditing a PPC campaign involves a systematic approach to analysing various aspects of a campaign. Here are the key steps to perform the audit:

    Gather data and information: Collect data from the advertising platform, analytics tools, and other relevant sources.

    Analyse account structure: Evaluate the organisation of campaigns, ad groups, and keyword groupings.

    Review keyword performance: Analyse keyword search volume, relevance, and competitiveness.

    Assess ad copy and creative assets: Evaluate the effectiveness of ad messaging, calls-to-action, and visual elements.

    Analyse landing pages: Assess the user experience, conversion funnel, and alignment with ad messaging.

    Evaluate targeting settings: Review audience targeting, geographic targeting, and other targeting options.

    Assess bid management strategies: Analyse bid strategies, budgets, and bid adjustments.

    Analyse performance metrics: Review campaign performance, conversion rates, and attribution models.

    Identify areas for improvement: Based on the analysis, identify opportunities for optimisation and cost-savings.

    Provide recommendations: Develop actionable recommendations and strategies for campaign optimisation.

    Why Should You Conduct A PPC Audit?

    There are several compelling reasons for auditing a PPC campaign:

    Optimise campaign performance: This audit helps uncover inefficiencies and areas for improvement, enabling you to optimise your campaigns for better results.

    Maximise ROI: By addressing issues and implementing recommendations, a PPC review can help increase conversion rates and maximise the return on investment (ROI) of your PPC campaigns.

    Ensure compliance: The audit ensures that your campaigns adhere to advertising platform policies, preventing potential penalties or account suspensions.

    Stay competitive: Regular audits help you stay up-to-date with industry trends, best practices, and competitors’ strategies, allowing you to maintain a competitive edge.

    Make data-driven decisions: The audit provides data-driven insights, enabling more informed decision-making for campaign optimisation and budget allocation.

    Improve account structure: A PPC review can help identify opportunities to enhance the organisation of campaigns, ad groups, and keyword groupings for better management and performance.

    PPC Audit Checklist

    A comprehensive PPC review checklist can help ensure a thorough evaluation of your campaigns. Here are some key elements to include in a PPC audit checklist:

    • Account structure analysis
    • Keyword research and relevance
    • Ad copy and creative analysis
    • Landing page optimisation
    • Targeting settings review
    • Bid management strategies
    • Performance metrics and conversion analysis
    • Budget and spending analysis
    • Compliance and policy adherence
    • Recommendations and action plan

    Looking To Improve Your PPC Campaign? Contact Reposition For PPC Audit Services

    Reposition offers comprehensive PPC audit services to help businesses optimise their campaigns and maximise their return on investment (ROI). Our team of experienced PPC experts conducts in-depth analyses of your campaigns, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations.

    Our auditors work closely with your team to understand your business goals, target audience, and unique challenges. This collaborative approach ensures that our recommendations are tailored to your specific needs and aligned with your overall marketing objectives.

    Upon completing the audit, we provide a detailed report that outlines our findings, insights, and actionable recommendations. Our report is designed to be clear, concise, and easy to understand, enabling you to make informed decisions about the future direction of your PPC campaigns.

    Contact Reposition today to schedule a PPC audit and take your campaigns to the next level.

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    PPC Audit - Frequently Asked Questions

    How Does PPC Audit Work?

    PPC audit is done in order to determine the sections and areas of your current PPC campaign which can be improved to get better responses through your advertisements.

    Where Do PPC Ads Appear?

    Google Ads appears on the search engine result page of google or other partner sites that have their adsense enable on their websites, while BING ads appear on the same of bing search result same for Yahoo.

    What Are You Mainly Looking For In The Audit?

    There are different important factors which we look upon like date range, keywords, ad quality score, ad group, etc.

    What Happens After The Audit?

    After the audit, a comprehensive list is made with all the points to be focused upon and they all are prioritised according to their importance and implementation.