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SEO Competitor Analysis

Finding Your Direct Search Competitors To Stay Ahead Of Them


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    SEO Competitor Analysis

    Stay Ahead Of Your Competition

    No matter what your vertical, SEO competitor analysis matters to your marketing strategy. It’s a chance to move ahead of the pack and lead in your market, and Reposition can help you get there. Our data-based SEO competitor analysis services means results focused looks at your vertical that will help change the way you do business.

    A Valuable Opportunity

    Using SEO competitor analysis means an opportunity to look at those companies you’re competing with in the search engines and understand exactly what they’re doing. We’ll take a closer look at who is out there, how loud they are, and what outreach strategies they’re currently using.

    Strategy-Shifting Results

    When you work with Reposition for an SEO competitor analysis, expect a clear report detailing exactly what you need to know to help put you on top of your industry. This kind of analysis can completely change your digital marketing strategy, improving it so you get and stay on top.

    Explore SEO Competitor Analysis Plans

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    £350 / month

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      1 Competitor
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      Keyword Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Bridging
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      Back Link Gap Analysis
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    £700 / month

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      2 Competitor
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      Keyword Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Bridging
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      Back Link Gap Analysis
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    £1050 / month

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      3 Competitor
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      Keyword Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Analysis
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      Content Gap Bridging
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      Back Link Gap Analysis

    See full deliverables

    A Closer Look

    Our digital marketing experts will tell you that it all comes down to strategy, and every vertical demand a very different approach. During an SEO competitor analysis, we’ll access extensive amounts of data to understand the trends within your market.

    Understanding the Competition

    Our first step during an SEO competitor analysis is to look at others in the market that may be directly competing against you. It’s likely you already know a few names, but it’s just as probably that there are companies you may not have considered competitors. At this stage, we’ll

    We’ll do all of the work to understand where and why your competitors may be making conversions that you aren’t, and that gives us the opportunity to help you learn from others and change your performance strategy.

    Moving Forward

    At Reposition, the SEO competitor analysis doesn’t end when we tell you what we’ve found. Instead, we’ll help make the data we gathered as relevant as possible to your agency, ensuring you can revise your selling points to stand out from your competitors. By shifting keywords, content, and much more, we’ll help you develop a successful SEO competitor analysis strategy, that will increase your conversions and sales.

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    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention


    Enterprise website restructuring and traffic retention strategies are a specialism of our SEO Company. Hugo Boss are one of many brands we have consulted over the past 15 years. Company structures change and stakeholders need this reflected within brand strategy. If your internal marketing team needs help ensuring a restructure doesn't lead to catastrophic ranking and traffic loss then get in touch.

    Website Restructuring & Ranking/Traffic Retention

    purple bricks logo

    Funded startups are a sector we specialise in. If you have recently been funded or are looking for help working out your marketing budget for a pitch then get in touch. Purple Bricks are just one of the many startups our SEO Company has worked with. We can help with your pre-launch strategy, pre and post-launch website optimisation and digital PR.

    Funded Startups and Brand Building

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    Cryptocurrency, finance and banking strategies you can reply on. We understand the need for careful content curation and the intricacies of regulated sectors. Strategies for these sectors can be complicated and areas such as paid ads for cryptocurrency and crypto wallets can extremely difficult to navigate. Our in-house team of SEO experts can guarantee to get your ads live, content published and links built. Contact us if you are struggling.

    Cryptocurrency, Crypto Wallet, Finance and Banking Solutions

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    What Is SEO Competitor Analysis?

    In SEO competitor analysis, the website of a competitor is analysed in detail to gain insight into its strategies and plans. Businesses need to regularly perform this task.

    Analysing a competitor’s website in detail is key to finding the areas for improvement on your site. Competitor keyword analysis is an important part of this process. Other elements include the target audience, the website structure, and the website content.

    Why Is SEO Competitor Analysis Important In SEO?

    For your website to compete with the websites of your competitors, you need to conduct a competitor analysis, but that’s not the only reason this task is essential. 

    SEO Competitor analysis is also important for the following reasons:

    • Identifying the right keywords. An SEO competitor analysis will allow you to discover the keywords your website is missing, allowing you to use these keywords to improve your rankings against competitors.
    • Recognising your main competitors. To identify the most important competitors in the market, a competitor analysis is necessary. It allows you to take a closer look at those working to dominate your market.
    • Building stronger link profiles. Links matter; in a competitor analysis, you build a better picture of those with whom your competition has formed an alliance. As a result, you can increase your domain authority by obtaining backlinks from these websites too.

    The purpose of a competitor analysis is to identify the strategies that your competitors use to gain an advantage over you.

    SEO Competitors Analysis

    What Are The Four Critical Aspects Of A SEO Competitor Analysis?

    SEO competitive analysis is done to get knowledge of competitors’ important ranking aspects. The four main aspects of competitor analysis are

    • Competitors’ strategy
    • Competitors’ objectives
    • Competitors’ assumptions
    • Competitors’ capabilities

    Performing SEO competitor analysis enables you to understand these key aspects of your competition’s website, which aids in forming a complete plan for your website that will give you an edge over them.

    How To Analyse A Competitor in SEO Competitive Analysis?

    Before performing a competitor analysis, you need to know who your competitors are and how they operate. Analysing competitors involves the following steps.

    • Find out who your direct competitors are. Analysing indirect competitors’ strategies will be beneficial if you think your business can benefit from them.
    • The next step will be to identify those competitors who operate on the online market and rank highly in search engines. Forming a strategy for your business based on data from about ten competitors will help you to reach higher positions in search results.
    • Identifying all the high-volume keywords your competitors rank for will be the third step. Your business website needs to target these keywords without fail. The only requirement is that your keywords should relate to the target audience for your business.
    • A step in this process involves studying and checking the online reviews of the competitors. As a result, you will be able to understand a business’ customers’ perspective without experimenting on your end. Analysing reviews will help you understand what customers expect from your business in general. Taking this feedback into account can help you weave your SEO strategies.

    These steps will help you identify the best competitors, which, when analysed, will allow you to gather more accurate data for your SEO competitive analysis. A competitive analysis won’t help your business if you don’t identify the right competitors.

    How Can You Benefit From SEO Competitor Analysis?

    Your business can benefit from analysing your competitors to save time when researching the online market for it. It is important to analyse competitors who are more experienced in the business than you are, and who have held their search engine rankings for quite a long time. SEO competitor analysis can benefit you in the following ways:

    • Streamlines market research.
    • Familiarises yourself with the important keywords that you missed out on. This will fulfil the criteria of the keyword gap analysis.
    • Helps you understand the perspectives of customers from their reviews without having to experiment yourself.
    • Ensures you have the chance to build links similar to those built by your competitors.
    • Enables an understanding of how competitors approach local businesses, as well as their SEO local strategies. (If you have a geographically targeted audience.)
    • Assists with the identification of the content focus at your end. It is possible to identify the kind of content that is ranking for your competitors by conducting a competitive analysis.
    • Allows for a better understanding of meta tags. By analysing competitors’ meta tags, you will gain a deeper knowledge of how to build your meta tags for your business website. It will be easier for you to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

    The benefits of SEO competitor analysis are numerous. In addition to what you take and incorporate into your business website, there are other factors to consider. Consider your competitors’ analysis when developing your SEO strategy, while also knowing what will work best for your business.

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    What Are Competitor Keywords In SEO Competitor Analysis?

    Analysing competitor keywords is an integral part of competitor analysis. In any SEO strategy, keywords have always been of utmost importance. The competitor keywords help you identify the focus area for your website and social media content.

    It is necessary to conduct keyword research to identify the keywords for your website. When you conduct keyword research, there is always the possibility of missing out on important keywords. You will be able to utilise competitor keyword analysis reports here.

    Your competitors’ keywords are those that they use on their business websites, their listings, and their social media campaigns. Knowing that these keywords are helping them to maintain their search engine rankings makes their importance even greater.

    You are more likely to list down all the keywords that will be beneficial for your website’s improved visibility if you include the competitor keywords along with your keyword research data.

    Need Help Identifying Your Competitors? Let Reposition Do It!

    If you are having trouble identifying your competitors correctly, let Reposition help. A competitive analysis report that fails to identify the correct competitors will be inaccurate. Consequently, it will have a negative effect on your website.

    Reposition has expert professionals who understand how to identify the right competitors for your business, and then we move on to analyse the competitors. A competitor’s website, social media accounts, and business listings are all analysed by us to formulate a website strategy for you.

    In terms of search engine visibility, our competitive analysts understand how important it is to outperform your competitors. Put Repositions’ competitive analysis services to work for you, and gain an edge over your competitors!

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    SEO Competitors Analysis - Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is Search Marketing Competitor Analysis?

    A search marketing competitor analysis fundamentally analyses the companies competing against yours and discovers the crucial details involved. This data you get can be used to give you an advantage over your opponent with your own marketing strategies. With the right research, you can get access to a complete list of your competitors’ keywords, ad text, cost per view, URLs and more.

    How Do I Perform Competitor Analysis?

    It’s tough to handle a competitor analysis on your own. We use a variety of online resources to give you direct access to the most detailed knowledge possible about your competitors so you know where to turn next.

    Why Choose Reposition For Competitor Analysis Service?

    We’ll carefully examine your competitors and vertical to figure out the best method to optimise your site and beat your competitors at every turn. This review provides you with useful perspectives to help you pick the right plan for your needs.